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Mr. Pinnock
(Erlebnisbericht von Adrian und Niklas, 4. Klasse)
Mr. Pinnock kam am 1.3. in unsere Klasse. Er kam aus England in unsere Schule.
Mr. Pinnock schrieb sich Sachen von Geometrie auf. Er war diese Woche auch im Sach- und Englischunterricht. In Englisch fragten wir ihn viele Sachen, z.B. ob er schon mal in Deutschland war. Ich fragte ihn was sein Lieblingssport sei. Er sagte, es sei Fußball.
Als wir in unserer Schule Karneval feierten, hatte Mr. Pinnock auch eine Verkleidung. Ich glaube er ging als Frau.
In der Englischstunde kam Mr. Pinnock in unsere Klasse. Erst stellte er sich vor und danach wir. Wir stellten uns mit der Hilfe eines geschriebenen Textes vor. Im Text standen unsere Lieblingssachen. Danach haben wir ihm Fragen auf Deutsch und Englisch gestellt und er hat sie beantwortet. Zum Schluss hat er sich mit uns noch Bücher angeschaut.
Niklas interviewt Mr. Pinnock
Yes I have.
What is it?
My pet is a cat.
Do you have a sister or brother?
Yes, two sisters and one brother.
What kind of sports do you like?
I like table-tennis, basketball and soccer.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is blue.
Eine vierte Klasse stellt sich vor
Hello Mr. Pinnock! My name is Niklas. I’m 9 years old. My favourite subjects are maths, arts and music. I like green, blue and red. My hobbies are swimming and painting. My favourite pets are hamsters, guinea pigs and mice. I like my family. My favourite job is writer.
My name is Timo. I’m ten years old. I like skating, swimming and sports! My hobbies are meeting friends. I like playing in the garden. My favourite film is Star Wars.
Hello, my name is Lisa. I’m nine years old and I live in Ratingen. This is our classroom and we are nineteen children, ten girls and nine boys. I play violin and piano and I like classic music. My favourite colours are yellow, red and blue. I like hot chocolate, fruit, vegetable and spaghetti. My hobby is swimming. My favourite animals are turtles and a dog. I would like to have a dog very much, but my parents don’t want it. What a pity. I ‘m scared of snakes and spiders.
Hello! I’m Hannah. I’m 10 years old. My favourite colour is green. My favourite lessons are mathematics and german. I love noodles. Every Wednesday I go to Wing Tsung. My favourite animal is a dog. My favourite weather is sunshine. My favourite hobby is playing.
Hello my name is Emilia. I like hot chocolate, ice cream, lemonade, chips, kitten, cats, puppy, dogs. I’m nine years old. I love strawberries!!!
My name is Simon. My favourite colour is green and my favourite sport is skateboard. I like Harry Potter and Greg’s Diary. I was in London, its great. The London egg is 200 m high and the buses are red. My favourite film is star wars.
Hello Mr. Pinnock! My name is Lynn Louise. My Grandfather comes from England. His name is Bob Mc Crory. I am in the class 4. I know how to say the time in English. My favourite colour is blue and red . My favourite animal is the dog. I like the school! I like pancake . I’m nine years old.
Hello, my name is Joanne. I’m nine years old. My favourite colour is red and my favourite animals are dogs and bartagame. My hobby is going by bike.
Hello Mr. Pinnock, I´m 10 years old. My favourite colours are blue and red. My favourite sport is football. My favourite hobby is playing football. My favourite subject is sports. I´ve got two runningmice. My favourite film is Star Wars.
My name is Leonie. I’m nine years old. I like pizza and pancake. My favourite colours are purple and red. My favourite animals are dogs, ponies and foxes. My favourite subjects are English, Sports and arts.